INDILEXA V1.0 The brainchild of Ranjith, Sfurti, Pramod, Vijay, Nandini, Aditya and many more IndiBloggers |
When Alexa disappoints, we come up with our own ranking system and declare ourselves the winners! |
There isn't a need for a software to rank us, we rank ourselves with the best possible ranks. |
There is no fight for the top slots because we are all the proud owners of Rank #1 |
And here goes the list of the bloggers who secured the first rank on Indilexa |
Ranjith from A Light Hearted Talk Pramod from Like My Musings Pankti Mehta from Musings of a Confused Gal Vijay Prabhu from Combo Updates Nandini Deka from Nandini Speaks Aditya Dey from TechStake |
Here are a few more bloggers who didn't ask for ranks but still deserve one :) Arti from My Yatra Diary DS from Cricket Wise TF from Lucifer House Inc Animesh from Story In Pieces |
And here is the final list of those bloggers who forgot to log in to their IndiBlogger accounts since a long time but still deserve a rank for being a part of the community in the past ;) Hemal from Indianomics |
Here are a few more bloggers : Annunoy Samanta from I Make My Trip Yashodhan Walimbe from InfoBulb Punit Dubey from Ghumakkar's Diary Rajat from Ambiguous Thoughts |